Excel VBA: Turn all letters into "upper case"

When processing data in Excel (especial inputing values & outputting as reports), we might require (sometimes just prefer) some cells with all upper case letters (ex: ABC instead of Abc). In Word, we have a function to do so in the toolbar. In Excel, can you expect us to replace one letter by another?

I have written an Excel Macro (VBA Sub), and setup with a hot key. It will make all the selected cells into upper case letters.
You may apply to lower case letters by using LCase instead of UCase in the Macro.


Sub Format_2_Upper()
    Dim selRange As Range, intAC As Integer, intIC As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
    If (TypeName(Selection) = "Range") Then
        Set selRange = Selection
        intAC = selRange.Areas.Count
        For i = 1 To intAC
            intIC = selRange.Areas(i).Count
            For j = 1 To intIC
                selRange.Areas(i).Item(j).Value = UCase(selRange.Areas(i).Item(j).Value)
            Next j
        Next i
    End If
End Sub



