
目前顯示的是 7月, 2010的文章

Handle Excel "not-date" date

Sometimes, we might get a report with a column, which people "know" they are date but Excel not. It is very common especially as the file is from other notions. We can only use "format" or press "Enter" again in the cell to make Excel know them.

[Excel] Hide subtotal in Pivot table

Just 'couse I had taught someone at work. Record this since I didn't know how to do it two years ago. (Excel, you are an easy to use, but hard to remember tool with a lot of "tips" hidden :(  Haha~~) 【中文】 因為日前在工作上剛好需要教人這功能,順便記錄下來,畢竟兩年前的我也根本不知道這功能怎麼用。 (題外話:Excel您真是簡單好用、但不易記得的好工具,但卻有一堆隱藏撇步啊~)

Setup "hotkey" for macros in Excel

As I wrote in the last post, we can setup "hotkeys" for some macros (VBA Sub or Function) in Excel. It avoids the needs to create buttons or setup events in objects just to trigger those. It also brings the "actions" to other Excel files you have also opened.

Excel VBA: Turn all letters into "upper case"

When processing data in Excel (especial inputing values & outputting as reports), we might require (sometimes just prefer) some cells with all upper case letters (ex: ABC instead of Abc). In Word, we have a function to do so in the toolbar. In Excel, can you expect us to replace one letter by another?